Together We Can Help More African Girls to Access Formal Education

Through your donations, we have helped over 12,340 unprivileged girl children in Kenya and Uganda

Your donation will facilate a poor girl child to access education with less obstacles in two African countries, that are Uganda and Kenya.

Join this movement by donating from only 10 USD to help the African girl child to access education,this year, the girl child needs your help more than ever before, we’ve seen how important it is to help a less privileged girl-child access better education to shape her future.

Help the underprivileged girl child

How we started help the Africa girl-child?

In March 2017, Prince Wako Foundation Under sole sponsorship from the founder started providing scholastic materials like menstrual pads, shoes, books, and uniforms to some of the most vulnerable children in Uganda and urban refugees in Kenya.

Now We are working towards building dignity and empowering the girl-child in sub-Saharan Africa and also enabling every girl child coming from an underprivileged family in the most remote areas to able to attend and complete school with minimized obstacles to access education.

Respond to Water Scarcity Now

The girl-child needs your help to access to water.

Over 85 percent of Uganda’s 35 million population live in rural areas and nearly two-thirds of this population lack access to safe water. In the next financial year, the Prince Wako Foundation (PWF)decided to tackle the water problem by setting up boreholes in the most remote areas which have no access to free clean water. This will reduce the workload given to girl children in Africa.


Help underprivileged girl child

How we started help the girl-child in Africa?

In March 2017, Prince Wako Foundation Under sole sponsorship from the founder started providing scholastic materials like menstrual pads, shoes, books, and uniforms to some of the most vulnerable children in Uganda and urban refugees in Kenya.

Now We are working towards building dignity and empowering the girl-child in sub-Saharan Africa and also enabling most of African girl child coming from an underprivileged family in the most remote areas to able to attend and complete school with minimized obstacles.

Respond to Water Scarcity in Sub Saharan Africa

The girl-child needs your help to access to water.

Over 85 percent of Uganda’s 35 million population live in rural areas and nearly two-thirds of this population lack access to safe water. In the next financial year, the Prince Wako Foundation (PWF)decided to tackle the water problem by setting up boreholes in the most remote areas which have no access to free clean water. This will reduce the workload given to girl children in Africa.


Help underprivileged girl children to attend and complete school with minimized obstacles - HELPING THE GIRL-CHILD to access HEALTH, EDUCATION and CLEAN WATER-

Defend gender equality

Join our fight for gender equality now

” In a world where there is a lack of access to relevant information, there is a great misconception of gender and gender equality. A proper understanding of these two will definitely open many to a better understanding of this evolving society. Faced with a myriad of social values and customs engraved in stone and culture, unlearning in most rural societies in Africa is key in promoting gender equality, access to relevant information. Gender is loosely defined as the state of being male or female in relation to the social and cultural roles that are considered appropriate for men and women.” Read more about Gender Equality Misconceptions In Africa.

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